Journey of the Chakra's Series'

Chakra Series level 1 - Journey from 1st to 13th Chakra

The Base Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Changing Times of the White Flame
Part 1 of 13
23 August 2008
In this channelling we come to face the first of our 13 Chakric System Recalibration and as with everything in life no construction will ever last the test of time unless its foundations are set to perfection and in our case, Divine Perfection. During this transmission we shall be given the first opportunity to ease out the creases that formed within the garments of our childhood.

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Sacral Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Violet Flame of Emotional Illumination
Part 2 of 13
6 September 2008
Join us in a recalibration of the foundations of our emotions. During the first session (base chakra) we were shown how outside forces controlled our outcome. During this channelling we will be taken through a clearing of our emotional baggage using the Goddess Flame of Illumination which will be presented through the Energy of Lady Portia and Saint Germain.

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The Solar Plexus
Lord Kuthumi
The Ruby-Gold Flame of your Solar Divine
Part 3 of 13
20 September 2008
oin us again for our solar plexus recalibration. As we all know this is one of the most powerful centers dealing with our ego personality as well as our survival and evolved personalities where the issues concerning our desires and wants comes to face our vows and promises, to the self and all others.

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The Heart Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Heart Flame of Salvation
Part 4 of 13
11 October 2008
Join us for our heart chakra recalibration where we shall be introduced to a more refined energy of self-love. The aim is to shift the focus from the unevolved to evolved heart energy and with that to discover the pathway that reveals entry into the golden passage which guides us into our sacred heart. The Sacred heart contains the keys to our complete evolution which we shall discover through the act of self-mastery and through this process advocate unconditional love to all that we come into contact with.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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The Throat Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Sapphire Flame of Project Truths
Part 5 of 13
25 October 2008
Join us as we gather to clear many of the obstructions from our Throat Centre which will support us in our ever increasing strive towards truthful and meaningful communication. The recalibration of this centre usually proves to be a tough one as spirit refers to it as the bottle-neck squeeze of ultimate truth, honor and non-judgment.

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The 3rd Eye
Lord Kuthumi
The Emerald Flame of Inner Sight
Part 6 of 13
8 November 2008
Join us for the activation of the 6th Flame Energy – The rewire of our 3rd eye or Brow Chakra. There is none so blind than those who do not want to see…The activation part for this initiation will support our growth with the stimulation of the Pituitary, Pineal and Carotid Plexus within the inner brain area which will further support our physical relation to the capability of our 3rd eye.

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The Crown Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Golden 12-Flame Crown Activation
(In conjunction with a Grid Activation)
Part 7 of 13
22 November 2008
Join us for this activation of the 7th Flame Energy – The rewire of our Crown Chakra. The 12 Flames which will be activated within the Crown Chakra will allow us to embrace our reality as self supportive God-Consciousness channels which will also help us balance much of the conflict and insecurities we have endured as children and again having to face in adulthood. The crown activation is the end of the journey for the first section of this current 13-part series. It is here that we come to face all that up to now have eluded us as we come to make peace with the unreasonable expectations that we have placed upon ourselves and others which is the major theme and what we will be prepared for on the path of self-mastery that awaits us from the 8th chakra onwards.

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8th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
And so then, who are you?
Part 8 of 13
17 January 2009
In this channelling Lord Kuthumi shares with us some information on this chakra and the initiation of the 8th chakra which relates to our archetypal patterning. The 8th Chakra is the first level beyond ‘the norm’ when it comes to our earth reality chakras thus from now on we are asked to wonderfully ‘Dance with our shadow’ as Kuthumi loves to refer to our cobblestone struggles - thus we are asked to begin this year of mastery by adapting to our inner waltz of freedom which will guide us through the maize of our masterhood with our eyes intently focused on that which matters, and with that to finally ‘let go by letting God’.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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9th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Reality that in Truth we are not alone.
Part 9 of 13
31 January 2009
During our lives many of us come to a stage and space where we realize that the connections we have with our family, some friends, work colleagues, spouses, siblings etc is not enough to inspire or motivate our being here. Often at times we feel that there must be something more to the life we are living. The activation and initiation of the 9th Chakra serves as an energy platform that stimulates the reality of us not being alone. It is from this part of our energy anatomy that we come to realize the important part we play as Energy Keepers of the Planetary and Galactic Grids.It is from here that one can’t help but take a more intense look at the various aspects of our being still in need of calibration and balance as we venture forth to explore the increasingly intense and powerful energy contained within this centre. It is from this centre that our archetypes as Lightworkers are fully birthed.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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10th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
Love from Beyond the Veil
Part 10 of 13
14 February 2009
As with the 9th chakra this session will also serve as a 1st level - 10th Chakric Flame Initiation.
The Energy contained within the 10th chakra is all about our connection to our guides and helpers forming our angelic support team, the Angels and Archangels and the Ascended Maters. Lord Kuthumi and Lady Guinevere will also share some true insights into the Essence of Love, as we are promised to experience a magnetic field of Love second to none! We shall also create a mini-grid which not only will support our angelic connections but will also serve to reconnect us to the deep and everlasting love of the Love Crystals. This will also serve as a Love Bubble that will commune between these energies blessing the planet’s collective unconscious grids with Unconditional Love. Those that have been to some of the grid activations will know the immense intensity of this energy.

Unfortunately the Recording to this has been lost and only an incomplete Transcript is available due to the a recording problem. What is available is thus free. Please Click here to download the pdf.

11th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Diamond Starseed Initiation
Part 11 of 13
28 February 2009
This initiation serves as the first level calibration of our 11th Chakra which oversees our galactic connection (as starseeds) with the other children of the Universe. This initiation is about anchoring a Christed Diamond Flame (the activation meditation done through the Energy of Lord Jesus) to aid our connection to our star origins and families as well as enhance our relationship with ‘off-earth-light-beings’ that we have a close relationship with which for many is hidden under the dust that clouds our memory and awareness.The Energy activated during this gathering of Light will also assist in general to decongest our creative minds which prevents us from creatively being in the joy of our lightworkership. With this self realization we will excitedly embrace our creative spark on planet earth on behalf of The Divine Source.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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12th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Supreme Golden Flame of Oneness
Part 12 of 13
21 March 2009
A 12th Chakric Golden Flame Initiation which also serve as a Merkabic reinforcement of the 5fold flame of Oneness
This initiation serves to bring an awareness of our earth reality as part of One Unity Consciousness. The energy of the 12th chakra is about Divine Oneness, Being one with All That Is by embracing the Blessed Energy of The Divine Source. During the activation of this transmission we will be receiving the highest order of Love which is the reinforcement of the 5-Fold Flame of Oneness through the Energies of our beloved Lord Yeshua, Archangel Michael and  Saint Germain. This most profound gift along with the Supreme Golden Flame of Oneness promises to support a surge within our energy fields all in support of activating our Merkabah Light Field.

Unfortunately the Recording to this has been lost.

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13th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Angelic Flame of Divine Mystery
Part 13 of 13
4 April 2009
This the final initiation of this level of Chakric Initations is in celebration of our connection to our higher self which constantly reminds us that our earth contracts are very much about being an active part of the earth experience, yet letting go of being in denial about our natural connection to Home.  We come to embrace the culmination  of the energy we have gathered over the past 7 months or so with the past 12 activations as we embrace the presence of what is commonly referred to as the 13th chakra as a magnificent shield of Light incorporating the 12 chakric system, the 7 lower and 5 higher chakras. We will also again be made aware of the 5th dimensional aspect of our lower 7 chakras.  The energy of the 13th chakra is about the divine mystery of all existence – our connection to Home.

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Chakric Series level 2 - Initiation into the Elements

Fire Initiation
Lady Portia
"In Honour of Fire"
21 June 2009
In this channelling we celebrate the 2009 winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere creating another crystal grid which will not only serve in balancing the earth energies, help shifting our consciousness reestablishing our connection to the planet and Ascension but also serve to reinforce the previous grids we have anchored in KZN. Lady Portia (St Germaine’s counterpart) will address the fire aspect of nature within as without as we come to experience the powerful energy of The Violet Flame and where Lady Portia and St Germain during the energy activation will guide us through the threshold of transformation transmuting discordant energies as we integrate the powerful surge of the Violet Flame supporting us to script our future letting go of our past igniting our inner Violet Flame which supports our illumination. 

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Air Initiation
Archangel Ariel
"The Winds of Change"
4 July 2009
This is the second elemental initiation where we will come to greet  Archangel Ariel whom shall address us on the Air element, whom along with other Ascended Masters shall take us through a clearing zone during the energy activation part of the transmission. You are requested to bring along paper and a pen to dot down thoughts and ideas which will be discussed by Archangel Ariel. You are then asked to build a fire after the session and perform a fire ceremony, offering your contributions to "The Winds of Change".

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Water Initiation
Lord Merlin & Goddess Artemis
"The Emotional Pathway of Water - Magic & Miracles
18 July 2009
This transmission is a teaching with Lord Merlin and Goddess Artemis as we come to celebrate the 3rd elemental activation being the water energy. Goddess Artemis will share some insights on this as well as the higher/lower mental/emotional processes, and Lord Merlin will guide us to experience a glimpse of The Halls of Amenti’s Fire Passage during the energy activation creating a pathway within our emotional/mental field which leads us to drink of the fountain of Eternal Christ Consciousness. For this session you are again asked to bring along some paper and a pen as well as a bottle filled with water, preferably a glass bottle with a cork top.

Energy exchange: You choose.
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Earth Initiation
Archangel Michael
Earth Element Initiation & Lions Gate 8:8 Stargate to Infinite Abundance celebration.
8 August 2009
 The 8:8 Gateway to Infinite Abundance is set to awaken the inner Goddess by inspiring us to get creative. This celebration also reinforces the activation of our Sun Chakra which is overseen by many Beings and Ascended Masters all who inspires us to deeply express ourselves authentically.Archangel Michael will address us on our physical connection to the planet (being an earth element activation) and our choice to do so no matter how intense or tough it gets. Each present will receive a personal tool (symbol and crystal) to use as part of our earth-experience-toolbox as we are encouraged to remain connected to our physical reality whilst trusting our energy expansion process consciously anchoring our star energy as part of our earth reality. This is the 4th Elemental Activation (Earth) , embracing our animal nature within as without, and as we dare to step across the threshold of infinite creativity by expressing our inner desires, trusting them into being.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Ether Initiation
Lord Melchizedek
"Through the Ethers of Time"
Lord Melchizedeck brings forth an awareness of our connection with Etheric Energy, and our relation to this.We shall be guided into the Temples of the Order of Melchizedeck to experience the activation of our own etheric seat of consciousness, receiving an invitation to be part of this Order of Light. We are invited to attend the inner sacred chambers where the Melchizedecian Presence is anchored which shall be presented to us as chakric octaves of light and sound (geometry and colour). This is the 5th and final anchoring of the first phase of Elemental Energies – Ether.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Chakric Series Level 3 - Journey into the New Dimensional Energy of the Chakras

Base Chakra
Lord Hilarion & Goddess Diana
Awakening to Masterhood
Mothering the Self
10 April 2010
Over the following months to come we will be guided to work closely with our Higher Self and our immediate guides. We will also be introduced to a process of invoking specific guidance for a divine set-out purpose. Our first or introductory session with these two Masters is about letting go of our mothering by embracing our fatherly power. Here the fine-tuning of our divine masterhood comes greet the imbalances within the base centre or grounding energy which often results in destructive habits due to repetitive negative thinking. We will also be guided in a new way step by step (almost workshop format) to get in touch with our higher self, our guides, as well as choosing guides for personal and planetary missions.

Due to a Technical problem the full Recording & Transcript is not available, we lost a few minutes of the ending.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Sacral Chakra
St. Germain & Mary Magdalene
Prince Charming I Pardon
I rely on the Father, I am guided by the Mother
8 May 2010
In this channelling we come to play with the essence of our emotional fields. The emotional aspect of our being brings forth immense guidance once we are able to trust, letting go of fear and control. The times in our journey we are mislead by our emotions is when we give charge over doubt and ego control which prevents us from “Acting out the clear picture”. Emotions are a state of bliss but for many it proves to be too challenging to enjoy for the ego’s unwavering spirit won’t allow surrendering into even momentary bliss let alone prolonged ecstasy for most. 

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Balancing the Self
Archangel Michael
22 May 2010
The Higher Self
We are asked to let go, trusting that there is a higher aspect of the self that guide and guard us. We are asked to work with our angelic helpers hearing their call, following their indication. This is in truth what we are blessed with should we but trust it to be so.
The Lower Self
This is our conscious and subconscious which reflects through our vehicles of light and bodies. We often struggle to relate to our spirit bodies or etheric bodies yet we punish the physical over and over for imbalances influenced by life: the physical realities of our emotional, mental and even spiritual experiences which affect the physical 
The Balanced Self
AA Michael will share with us on the above two aspects as we come to face the complete self of the physical at the next gathering with Lord Hilarion and Goddess Diana when we shall pass the ‘gate of salvation’ embarking on a new journey of intense and higher communication with and through the self.

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Solar Plexus
Lord Hilarion & Goddess Diana
Constituting the Self
5 June 2010
This gathering serves as a integrating platform for the 1st (Base), 2nd (sacral) and 3rd (Higher & Lower self) sessions of the current series, as these will be supported with a new outlook as we are asked to prepare for true healing within the heart which will enable us to pass through the threshold of unconditional love claiming our salvation.

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Heart Chakra - Part One
Lord Kuthumi
Where the Heart is - Part One
19 June 2010
In this channelling we come to meet a more refined energy of the heart. The lower frequencies will be worked through, released and recalibrated, as we come to face true heart essence within our daily lives. During this transmission we will be introduced to a specific master whom we will be asked to work with until the next channeling (2-3weeks). I am thrilled and humbled to work for the first time the Energy of Lady Nada whom will then share with us on increasing our frequency to embrace the evolved heart centre.

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Heart Chakra - Part Two
Lady Nada
Where the Heart is - Part two
10 July 2010
Our Lives take us along many different pathways, some light, some burdensome – yet the outcome of all experiences at most times proves to be of benefit. The Activation of the higher heart energy stirs not only recognition of Oneness and Omniscient Omnipresence, thus the acceptance of the Creator Essence in all things above as below, easy and challenging – it also brings to us  the reminder that as all of this is part of all that is, then so too are we.
Now is the time then to surrender into Divine Trust & Divine Guidance, which allows us to embrace our part in all that is, for all that is, is love – unconditionally so. 

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Heart Chakra - Part Three
Lord Kuthumi
Where the Heart is - Part Three
24 July 2010
In this channelling we come to ground our heart energy securely into Mother Earth. We will be given specific locations to focus on. We will be guided by Lord Kuthumi to connect to these locations over the weeks to come as we commit to Earth Energy Work making a difference to this world expanding our worlds. This gathering includes a refined heart chakra activation as well as assisting us in anchoring a crystalline grid over our immediate area. Each present will be offered a direct link, linking minds and hearts connecting with your own individual homes creating a linking protective portal (as well as to the area that you will be connected with).

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Bridging the Solar Plexus, Heart & Throat Chakras
Mary Magdalene, Lord Hilarion, Goddess Diana & Lord Kuthumi
The Bridges of Time
8 August 2010
In this we come to celebrate the 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal and thus also celebrate our right to claim abundance and success! Lord Kuthumi shares with us on the connection between the solar plexus and the heart chakra and how this ignites the sweetness of success within the throat.
The Lions Gate ~ Gateway of the Goddess Celebration on this day is about creativity of which the throat chakra hosts the ‘overseeing dogma archetype’ daring the solar-heart energy to awaken the true artist within. We are asked to bring along some crayons (pastels/colouring in pencils not wax crayons), some paper and a hard book/file/clipboard to lean on, as we will be guided during the meditation part of this activation to ‘paint away our truth (throat) blockages.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Throat Chakra
Goddess Diana & Lord Hilarion
Undeniably Your Truth
21 August 2010
In this channelling we come to share in the refined throat energy, raising the frequency of the energy within the throat chakra from slower spinning blue to ‘upbeat’ sapphire. Creating peace as part of our abundance means living it, which for most still presents a challenge especially being bombarded with ‘erratic vibrations’ from all angles. This new dimensional chakra of the sapphire throat energy will come to serve us over time as one of our most prominent gifts as it walks hand-in-hand with the solar fire within allowing expression through the heart which prepares us for our new third eye process.

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3rd Eye Level One
Goddess Diana
Inner Focus
4 September 2010
To have an active open 3rd eye is undeniably what most of us strive for. The activation of this new dimensional chakra (5th Dimensional access) of the 3rd eye will also be done over 3 channellings/parts. “Every enlightened & awakened being strives to tap into a refined 3rd eye energy, as most of us dream of loosing the veil that prevents our inner sight from developing or revealing what lies beyond. In this channelling we come to work with the first level activation or rewire of the new dimensional 3rd eye. Over the next 3 channellings we will refine the current process of the new dimensional portals or chakras which will bring us so much closer to tapping into ‘direct guidance’ working with the Masters and our guides in a more conscious way.

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3rd Eye Level Two
Pallas Athena
Remotivate your Viewpoint
18 September 2010
In order to move ahead with the process of inner sight we must bring complete balance into the lower bodies.The fist level was taught in the previous channelling, where Goddess Diana took us through the physical relation to the new dimensional third eye. During this, the second level rewire Pallas Athena will share with us on truly letting go, trusting in what we want to create and then to love this from the point of viewing our desires and dreams from an etheric aspect of being ,working with the mental and emotional fields.

Energy exchange :  You choose.
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3rd Eye Level Three
Goddess Ishtar & Goddess Artemis
Staying Focused
23 October 2010
In times of trouble, pain, sadness, happiness, hope and pleasure – Know your own Name. The name I speak of is not the one you are known by, but rather the one that draws you out of duality, into The Zone, as a Christ Child. During this activation of the 3rd level of the New Dimensional 3rd eye chakra Goddesses Artemis and Ishtar will share some on the fine balance between staying focused and seeing a scattered reality. We are asked to bring along a candle (white - set in a drip holder/tray to prevent dripping) as well as a crystal that you wish to work with to aid your awakening 3rd eye increasing its frequency.

Energy exchange : You choose.
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Bridging the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra's
Lord Kuthumi
The Process of Time = The Art of Detaching
6 November 2010
This session bridges the New Dimensional 3rd eye and Crown Chakra.When creating, or wishing to, one has to realize the higher potential of this. At the core essence of any and all matter lie spiritual origins. This is fact. Our core essence thus contains all needed to create and or recreate. In this channelling our beloved Master Kuthumi shares with us the processes between the 3rd eye and crown chakras, the bond they share, the impact they have on each other, as we come to lay the foundations for this level of our new dimensional chakras, for in time to come these two centres (and other pairs) will become inseparable as they share an amalgamated platform for the new energies.

 Energy exchange : You choose.
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Actualizing the Energy of the Brow & Crown Chakras
Lord Hilarion
Reaching Higher Potential
15 January 2011
As we again join hands and hearts welcome the presence of Lord Hilarion whom shall address us in this channelling on the inner call to guidance and intuition, how these finer frequencies should be our anchoring light which opens the portals to the new dimensional chakras, transmuting what we perceive 'not to be within our favour' into guidance, if we dare to embrace its full potential activated by the law of opposites.

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The Crown Chakra

Goddess Diana & Pallas Athena
The Crown Centre Doorway to Mastery
5 February 2011
The new dimensional crown chakra is about surrendering into the higher aspect of this energy, where we come to face our inner self from a more accepted 5th dimensional vibration of love as we relinquish the power that propels our need for judgement and its controls. The new energy within the crown is all about love, within as without - above as below.

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Foundation Initiation into the Higher Chakras:

Lord Kuthumi
Taking Stock of your Gifts
19 February 2011
This channelling serves as a 7 seal initiation where Lord Kuthumi will take us through these gateways of refined consciousness. We will be guided through yet another key in embracing our authentic self, a stepped frequency initiation of new dimensional energy

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The Eighth Chakra

St. Germain
I am That which I AM
16 April 2011
Last session of the current Chakric Series Level 3.
This channelling is part of the The processes of life and all about polishing the many facets of our reflection. This gathering of Light serves as an introductory platform for the refined new dimensional 8th chakra. Please bring along a note pad, pen, a beautiful non judgemental mind and a healthy sense of humour!
Due to the interactive nature of this most awesome teaching from St.Germain we will not be Transcribing it.

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Chakric Series Level 4 - Chakric Flame Temple Initiations

Lord Kuthumi
For those wishing to join us in this journey please acquire a candle in each of the chakric colours, also Magenta, Gold and Silver
Chakric Flame Temple Initiations
"Introductory Channel"
14 May 2011
Lord Kuthumi will share with us on the next sectiion of our teachings: "Chakric Flame Temple Initiations" which is all about incorporating all of the info and teachings in a balanced and reasonable way applying these within our personal lives amongest close family during which time we will be awakened to incorporate a wider perspective of our focused intent thus truly working with the alchemy of consciousness in a realistic and non intrusive manner.

This channelling is Free!!!
To download the Audio File, please Click here.
To download the Transcript, please Click here.
NOW!!! - Also available in Spanish Click here.
The Ruby Flame Temple
Goddess Diana & St. Germain
28 May 2011
Please ensure you have a red candle with you to do this initiation.
Initiation 1
This first initiation is about embracing our current reality as it is, as we embark on the journey of our shifting consciousness set within our daily living, the way it is.
The Ruby Flame Temple Initiation (as part of the Chakric Flame Temple Initiation Series) will be hosted by our beloved Saint Germain and Goddess Diana whom will guide us through the inner portals of our perceived reality and by using the RED candle we will be guided through a process of sharing in support of shifting perceived inner limitations within our world, and to do so in a way acceptable for others thus setting a fundamental powerful energy through the art of intent to shift limitations within and around our home especially when it comes to those we live with and closley relate to on a regular basis and those that has influence in our home and immediate lives.
Energy exchange: What ever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here
Transcript now also available in Spanish.

The Citrine Flame Temple
Lord Kuthumi
11 June 2011
Please note you will need an orange coloured candle for this initiation.
Initiation 2
The process of CHANGE is certainly ongoing and should be consistent as life is a moving constant (Kuthumi). The way we deal with change is what changes or if not it certainly stifles our growth resulting in stagnation.
This second initiation of the current series (CTFI – The 4th level teaching) offers the opportunity for us to bring into our personal home space a way to touch those close to us when dealing with perceived hurdles shifting into a higher gear of thought thus consciousness, as we integrate more ways to let go of stuck lower emotions, unfinished business and shattered dreams as we climb the second step of our ascending alchemy ascension stairway into masterhood.

Energy exchange : What ever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.
Transcript now also available in Spanish.

The Heliodor Flame Temple
Goddess Diana & Serapis Bey
25 June 2011
Please note that you will need a yellow coloured candle for this initiation.
Initiation 3
For this initiation we invite you to journey into the sacred chambers of claiming your worth,validating the self and those around you with the golden aspects of deserve ability.Serapis Bey will share with us on the way of the authentic self as he guides us into the sacred chambers of the Heliodor Temple of inner peace. Goddess Diana will introduce the energy creating a platform of self acknowledgement whereby she invites all into this portal, to join them on the chalice of transformation as we journey into the world of Creation.

Energy exchange : What ever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.
Transcript now also available in Spanish.

The Emerald Flame Temple
Lady Gaia, Master Kuthumi & Lady Quan Yin.
9 July 2011
Please note that you will need a green candle for this initiation
Initiation 4
The process of life is about Love no matter how we complicate things. The journey of the Earth experience is about putting this love into action.By being complacent about Love we avoid the many opportunities extended to us from the Realms of Light, thus Love.
Lord Kuthumi will guide us on this as he sets the tone for Lady Quan Yin – Love personified – by her humble dedication to watch over Man as we transcend the lower frequencies until we eventually join her within the higher planes of unconditional Love.
“I am here for you dear one. Feel the presence of my Love, as I also extend to you the compassion found within the Lotus Lily. I open my arms as I welcome you to except my embrace as we journey together playing in the fields of Love”- Lady Quan Yin.
NB: We had a slight problem with the recording so the first hour is quite inaudible, however the initiation part is fine and the full transcript is available.

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.

The Sapphire Flame Temple
Goddess Diana & The Masterful El Morya
30 July 2011
Please note you will need a green candle for this initiation.

The Doors of Truth
Initiation 5
One of the greatest and most profound yet unexplainably challenging energies we come to face during our sojourns within the playground of life is TRUTH. To trust this truth, no matter its complexities or simplicity is another thing all together.
Setting out a template of rules is part of earth university, to experience this with true trustable freedom is all together a different story for although we are guided to follow discipline executed through the power contained within our will within the throat, the eventual bigger picture of this should reflect fun and joy no matter our personal template of rules.
Goddess Diana will share on this, the 4th level Chakric sapphire flame, and our beloved Master El Morya will guide us through the our inner temple of truth, for us to have the will to share this with those we love and care about, as we work through the inspiration of the blue candle on our Truth, Will, Power, Communication and Expression.

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.

The Tanzanite Flame Temple
Goddess Diana & St. Francis of Assisi
20 August 2011
Please note you will need a indigo/dark blue candle for this initiation.

Let go of distraction
Initiation 6
Life offers us many different paths, many experiences, much to learn, explore, teach.
When setting our sights on all that this journey has to offer,be ever so mindful of the pitfalls that it presents along with its vision. One of the most common is glory, known to us within the earth realms as ego, personal ego. Another is scattered thought which often prevents us from staying within the desired picture of the now, henceforth inevitably veering us off course.In this initiation Goddess Diana and beloved St Francis of
Assisi share with us on these truths, and other related energies as we enter the Indigo Realm, lighting our Indigo candles within the Tanzanite Flame Temple,communicating through the inner sight of our focus.

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.

The Golden-Violet Pearlescent Flame Temple
Goddess Diana & Archangel Michael
3 September 2011
Please note you will need a violet candle for this initiation

The Sound of Silence
Initiation 7
To experience the true gifts that life brings one, no matter the process(positive or negative) one needs to face your hour of stillness.When one experiences the sound of silence we tap into a greater meaning behind these experiences which is when we give thanks for the (positive)gifts and challenging ‘negatives’ for these too deliver unto the experience greater awareness and as we say is ‘a blessing in disguise’.
This gathering welcomes the presence of Goddess Diana whom will share with us and guide us into the Golden Temple to light our Violet candle accompanied by the presence of Archangel MichaEL.
The power of KNOWING brings PEACE, and with PEACE all is CLEAR.

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you
To download the Audio & Transcript please Click here.

The Magenta Flame Pyramid Temple
Goddess Diana & Lord Kuthumi
17 September 2011
Please note that you will need a magenta coloured candle for this initiation
 Initiation 8
As we have completed the first seven steps towards authentic living, we are invited to participate in this activation which is the next step of the process using the Magenta Flame (Magenta Candle) to facilitate the download of both personal and transpersonal authentic codes to be anchored within our cell tissue absorbed through the spinal fluid and DNA
We will be guided into working with our personal Pyramid Template which
serves as a portal for higher understanding.

Energy exchange : Whatever it is worth to you
To download the Audio & Transcript file please Click here

The Silver Flame Pyramid Temple
Goddess Diana & Lord Kuthumi
1st October 2011
Please note that you will need a silver coloured candle for this initiation

The Lightworker Codes
 Initiation 9
This initiation serves as a coding platform whereby we invite all that share our space to increase their own planetary body frequency as we again enter the Golden Pyramid Temple to receive the next download encoding which will be integrated into our Skeletal System, Cell Tissue and DNA.
Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you
To download the Audio & Transcript files please Click here.

The Golden Flame Pyramid Temple
Goddess Diana & Lord Kuthumi
22 October 2011
Please note that you will need a gold coloured candle for this initiation

The Human Angel Codes
 Initiation 10
Join us this day for the download of Light Codes being anchored within our nervous system, brain and endocrine system inscribed within our cell tissue, thus DNA.
Lord Kuthumi & Goddess Diana will again come forward to guide us through the process of integrating our Human Angel Codes within the Golden Pyramid Temple

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you.
To download the Audio & Transcript files please Click here.

The Diamond-Platinum Flame Pyramid Temple
Goddess Diana & Lord Kuthumi
5th November 2011
Please note that you will need a white candle for this initiation.

The Cosmic Starseed and Christ Codes of Oneness
 Initiation 11
We gather together to celebrate our encoding of the 11th and 12th chakras in amalgamated form which is to be encoded within the remaining systems anchored through our circulatory. Respiratory and muscular systems, all the major systems of MOVEMENT
These codes serve as a further awakening process which support our new increased light frequency
During the past year we all worked on every level to transcend the old, which all of us to a certain degree has succeeded in one way or another, even if only in acceptance, perception and acknowledgement.
As we stand on the eve of stepping into our mastery, let us join hands and hearts as together we integrate our cosmic starseed and Christ codes of Oneness which will come into full power as we embrace the final countdown, 11 11 11, then 11 12 11, then 12 12 11, then 21 12 11, then 01 01 12, 12 01
12, then 02 02 12, then 12 02 12 and so on with each key date growing stronger and more pure in its vibration…

Energy exchange: Whatever it is worth to you
To download the Audio & Transcript files please Click here.