What is Channelling?

Channelling is the ability to open up one’s energy field connecting to another (an outer) source and through the act of surrender allowing one’s ego consciousness to make way, thus serving as a conduit, acting as a receiver and transmitter of information that doesn’t consciously come from the self, and/or being an outlet sharing information that needs to be given in a specific format or way other than the way the channeller involved would’ve presented it.

I first touched on the world of channeling in the 1990’s when I studied Theosophy, as the founders of the society (Helena Blavatski and Henry Ollcot) channelled the information from Kuthumi, Saint Germain, El Morya and Djwal Khul to start the Theosophical Society.

In 2002 I met Michelle Eloff and since have never looked back at my spiritual growth. I first set the intent to become a channel when I was part of an ‘advanced’ study group, and went through intense initiations which included lengthy daily meditations and initiations after which I was finally dragged off to go through a three month ordination period in semi-isolation (on a lone consciousness level) from my normal life ‘escorted’ by Lord Kuthumi, Archangel Michael, Lord Yeshua, Saint Germain and many other Light Beings. During this most intense time I shed oceans of tears I worked through and cleared many issues relating to and reinstating belief-systems etc. I almost gave up on the whole idea when something incredible happened. I’ll spare the details but I’ll tell you this much; I challenged spirit, and they delivered every single time, so much so that trust finally became completely ingrained in my DNA.

I never intended to become a channel for egotistical reasons and had no ulterior motive but to be in service to myself, God, Gaia and humanity as I fully understood the implications of 2012 back then knowing the urgency of the event, understanding the levels of current consciousness and the complexities surrounding this. Then, one not-so-fine-day towards the end of the three-month period (after I had a stern communication with AA Zadkiel), I was at my very lowest, despondent, and experiencing many spiritual temper tantrums, I received a phone call from Michelle Eloff asking me to return to Durban to ground the Energy of Ascended Master Kuthumi and other Angelic Energies in KwaZulu-Natal which birthed the KZN Lightweaver.

I was overjoyed as finally I was given the green light. I returned to Durban in March 2005 and so, under Kuthumi’s helpful guidance and Michelle’s protective wings, I stepped into the process of letting go, allowing the world of service to unfold for me. How did it happen...TRUST (Timing, Responsibility, Understanding, Surrender, Totality- ASM Kuthumi). How does it feel when I channel? am somewhere in the back of my head, I can hear every word that is said as it is said, but loose track of what is said, as it is said.

The group sessions serve as a platform initiating those present (and those that follow the teachings) into an evolved state of consciousness to serve as ambassadors and channels in their own right, much is said during the often long sessions, without taking a break, or barely ‘coming up for air thus an impossibility to recall all that was said hence the recordings and transcribed material. When I am in trans-state I am often aware of what is happening outside the room (e.g. traffic, birds, neighbors) but not at all ‘consciously connected’ to what is happening in the room during these transvoice sessions. I can communicate with whomever is channeling through me whilst they are speaking but it causes a break in the flow of the message or energy so I learnt to just let go, get out of the way, surrendering into their expression as I give myself in service as a conduit of Light for the greatest good of All That Is.